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Fitzpatrick Skin Type and Glogau Scale

Fitzpatrick Skin Type Scale:


When the form is filled out it, the score will give you an indication of what Fitzpatrick Skin Type you are and how easily you may burn when exposed to the sun.  It will also give your therapist information to the degree of trauma your skin may be able to endure when undergoing procedures in the clinic.


Pale skin burns more, tans poorly and needs more protection from the sun, but it may be able to endure more aggressive treatments. You should not try to get a tan if you have pale skin, you are damaging your skin and most likely wont tan.  All skin types need some sort of protection from UVR as it contributes to Skin Aging and is the main cause of Skin Cancer.


Darker skin types may not burn as easily with sun exposure, but they require less aggressive treatments as they are more prone to Hyper and Hypo Pigmentation. 


Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation is pigmentation that can be caused after trauma to the skin.  This includes but not limited to Acne, Dermatitis, Cuts and Abrasions, Friction and Burns etc.  The pigmented areas are visible at the original site of trauma.

Glogau Scale:


The Glogau Scale gives your Therapist an indication of the degree of Sun Damage and Wrinkles that are and what treatments may be required eg.  a client may be in her 20 - 30's but her skin may be a Glogau Scale type 3 therefore need extensive treatments and take home products to improve her skin!


Group Type 1 clients need more preventative and maintenance measures such as a good home routine including a sunscreen and treatment facials once a month including LED with maybe a grouped series of treatments once a year.

Group Type 2 clients are starting to show signs of photodamage.  Not only will they need the preventative measure as in Type 1 but these clients will need to add active ingreadients to their homecare such as vitamin A, B and C serums. They may need a series of intensive treatments such as peels and laser treatments and/or skin needling.

Group Type 3 clients have skin damage and need homecare with active ingreadients and intensive treatments including laser, peels and other modalities to lower the classification or to maintain it. They may even want injectables.

Group Type 4 clients need medically based procedures such as cosmetic surgery, injectables, laser treatments and peels that work in synergy with the above aesthetic based home and professional care.

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